
The Dr. Lorenz Tucher Family Foundation

Dr. Lorenz I, the founder of the Dr. Lorenz Tucher Family Foundation, which is still active today, was born on the Feast of St. Laurence (August 10) in 1447, as the oldest son of the Nurmberg nobleman Hans Tucher V and his wife Barbara Hegner.  In his will he left his fortune (after a gift in perpetuity for the formation of a choir in Regensburg) in two equal parts–one half for the support of the poor in Nuremberg, and the other half for the aforementioned family foundation.

The Tucher Family Cultural Foundation

The Tucher Family Cultural Foundation, founded in 2012, represents the cultural interests of the family and of the Dr. Lorenz Tucher Family Foundation (founded 1503).  As a not-for-profit organization, the Foundation administers the priceless art and cultural holdings of the family.  It works to preserve these holdings, promotes academic research relating to the collections, and performs outreach for these important works of art which have helped to define Nuremberg and the region for centuries.  The immaterial worth of this collection lies in its function as a depository of history–each object tells its own story, and together they illustrate the history and the cultural history of the whole region. The following depicts the family history of the Tuchers through selected objects from the collection.